Jeffrey Allen

Software Development · DevOps · Data Analytics

Software engineer with 10 years of industry experience and a Master's Degree in Software Engineering. Experienced with object-oriented programming, full-stack web development, agile methodologies, and enterprise application deployment using Kubernetes. I am currently improving my knowledge of distributed systems by working in a DevOps role.


Senior Principal Software Engineer (DevOps)

Northrop Grumman Corporation

I currently administer/improve/maintain build tools, applications, libraries, and machines/containers within a CI/CD pipeline.

April 2019 - Present

Full Stack Web Developer

Nobletech Solutions Inc.

Leverage Microsoft's Azure cloud platform to architect web applications. Design embedded systems that transmit data over GSM and process results using Microsoft Azure.

Jan 2018 - May 2019

Software Engineer

Canvas Inc.

Create web applications on Google Clould Platform and teach interns how to build software using a LAMP stack.

Sept 2016 - December 2017

Python Developer

Simon Solutions

Create web applications using the Django framework built on Amazon Web Services to deliver products to nonprofit organizations

Aug 2013 - Sept 2016


University Alabama in Huntsville

Master of Science
Software Engineering - Parallel Processing

GPA: 3.6

Completed May 2024

University of North Alabama

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

GPA: 3.1

Completed May 2015


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Agile Development & Scrum
  • Cross Functional Teams


Apart from being a technology enthusiast, I enjoy most of my time being outdoors & started 3D printing. Street Fighter 6 is a game I love to play and 3D print my own controllers. During the warmer months here in Alabama I enjoy mountain biking and kayaking.

When forced indoors, I follow a number of sci-fi and fantasy genre movies and television shows, I am an aspiring chef, and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the DevOps world.